Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Will You let Your American School Personnel Strip-Search YOUR CHILD?

Here is a video link to listen to Savana Redding tell her own story along with corroboration from her mother and others. The second link is from the ACLU giving a legal viewpoint as to what has happened in court with regards to rulings on the course the school took in Savana's case.



First of all, this is outrageous-this information suggests that teachers be given more power legally to conduct their own strip-searching of students. The courts have not been on the schools side with the Supreme Court making a final decision in June, 2009 that will affect the entire United States. I haven't found all the links containing the history as to what has taken place during the 6 years since Savana was strip-searched in Middle School, and, that is a shame. There should have been petitions and speakers all across the country with this incident-it will affect every student in school! It is an issue that every parent should not only know about, but should have been instructed to write their local school district, showing their disapproval and all the states representatives. If you did write, please state so in your comment. With all the abuse that has been uncovered concerning students being sexually intimidated or outright raped by teachers at some times even impregnated by the youth, it is difficult to believe this would be an option-teachers are NOT police or sheriffs and the child was in Middle School, NOT jail. She was merely a suspect, was NOT read her rights or allowed them (to call her parents), and was not found guilty by her peers. I can't believe that the school actually thought they were not violating her Constitutional rights! They certainly took advantage of her. She was very plainly scared to not obey the school personnel and then devastated emotionally, of course, not being able to stand the humiliation and degradation for something she was not guilty of, as the medication was not found. The "prescription pain" medication was Ibuprofen-you can buy it at 200 mg. over the counter and take the entire bottle if you wanted to. Why would teachers want to force these extreme measures on this young girl over Ibuprofen that wasn't even proven to have come from her-remember they did this on the word of 1(one) student, not a lot of students?
My questions to you in regards this case:
1. Do you believe that the school had good motives in doing this, or, do you think they may have been sexually motivated in some way (a campus game or hazing of some sort?).
2. Since this case happened in 2003, do you think it was wrong of the attorneys not to be canvassing the public in a wide-spread manner in order to get this cause of action heard and understood by the general public for support of the girl and her family as well as every other child that may be affected?
3. Do you believe that what the girl suffered was a real consequence of what took place. In other words, do you believe her claims of getting a bleeding ulcer are honest and true? Have you ever been strip-searched, intimidated or humiliated sexually ?
4. Have your children ever experienced being taken advantage of sexually, intimidated sexually, or teased, by teachers or workers at a school? Did you report it? Whom did you report it to? Was anything done? What, if you can stand to type it out. Many people are not listened to ---- that is a problem with attorneys in the area that just don't care.
Just looking at the females in this video makes it certain that they all have suffered since that time. It is upsetting to see the mother state that her daughter is not the same and that the court should do something demonstrative. What do you think about how her mother feels? Would you have done more than go to court? How angry does this make you?
Here is an article that came out in 7/2008 that shows some of the court decisions but I haven't found all yet. If you have information, please post in your comments.


Time to start anticipating what schools will be up to in the future and get out petitions to protect our Children and get more protective laws enacted. Thanks to trusting that all teachers care about our children and are screened properly and are scrutinized strongly before being given tenure, we now have 13 year old Daddies and children getting tazered at school. Oh yes, and given bleeding ulcers because of an unnecessary strip-search.////

1 comment:

  1. Wow! This is unbelievable! To be honest I had not heard about these issues going on in the schools and it really scares me to know that it goes on. Thanks for sharing this.
